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Image by Alexandr Podvalny



Carol Wall

My name is Carol Wall and I’m 72. As President of Commercial Receivers, my life has been very sedentary. It became clear that I wasn’t doing my health any favors, so I decided to change my ways. My daughter directed me to Murat and it was the best thing I could have done for myself. Under his tutelage and critical eye, he has improved my stamina, eased my joint pain, lowered my blood pressure and essentially given me a new lease on life! His knowledge and experience are unsurpassed. I have been encouraged to do things I never thought possible and with not only his support, but that of the people with whom I work out. It’s a fantastic place to improve yourself and enjoy a group of great people. Try it. You’ll like it.

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John R

I have been dedicated to exercise most of my life, but after open heart surgery, an esophagectomy, and 8 chemotherapy treatments, my strength and walking ability were at an all-time low. My wife encouraged me to go to Murat’s Institute to recover my strength and balance. In the beginning I thought the exercises were simple, but they seemed to work. With an increase in repetitions and small increases in weights, I became stronger and better able to perform daily tasks. Murat’s encouragement was invaluable in making me feel that I could change my life. I still use a walker because I have some spinal cord damage, but I am more agile and more confident in what I can do for myself. I credit Murat and his methods for that.

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